Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finally it’s done. The 85th anniversary celebration was finally over. Last night was the final leg, with a concert at the Esplanade. In my 7 years of coordinating and managing concerts, this was my most extensive and expensive production

It took me almost a year of planning and coordinating between various units, departments and divisions. With lots of last minute changes and requirements, it does increase the pressure on me especially the last three months. However, I managed to remain cool and thanks to the support rendered by colleagues, friends, supervisors and loved ones.
As this could be my last project, I am glad it ends well….a nice closure of my career indeed…..I mean 2010.


Last week was also the final day of Didi’s wedding celebration. Preparation took many months with helps from siblings and in laws. Every detail is looked into and discussed. . On the final day, everything was well executed. Even the decoration was beautifully done. Its time and effort well spent.
The joyous ‘bersanding’ ceremony was attended by family members, friends and relatives.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Alhamdulillah. Didi’s nikah is over. It was last Saturday and the day starts with heavy downpour. With His blessings, the rain stops just before we leave home for the Japanese Garden for the akad nikah and reception. The event went on smoothly till the end. All those that were invited came for the reception and my siblings, nephews and nieces help us through out. Not forgetting friends of my daughter as well.

My sister Anah and sister in-law Rafiah came early morning to cook for us and our guests at home. Fahmi drove the bridal car, Irfan and Fahris took charge of the car park, Yanti, Tini, Sarah, Nadiah and Nani manned the reception counter and ushering guests assisted by Sandy my wife’s niece. Two of Yantis friend were stationed at the entrance near the MRT station to lead guests coming in from there. My brother Razni and Brother in-law Osman were the witness for the ‘akad nikah’. Brother, sister, in-laws, nephews, nieces and friends, we appreciate your helps. Thank you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Both, my official project (it could be my last) and Didi’s wedding day are getting closer and there are still a lot more to be done…….and my heart is beating fast.

Just look at the schedules below. Its crazy………

Dec 1 Concert vetting
Dec 4 Didi’s solemnization and wedding dinner
Dec 6 Concert at SCAPE
Dec 11 Concert at Botanic Gardens
Dec 12 Didi’s wedding reception
Dec 13 vetting for the dining in
Dec 16 Another vetting for the concert
Dec 20 Concert at the Esplanade

Jobs done and pending
Concert tickets printed.......:)
Posters for the concert will only be out tomorrow.....what the heck.
Banners will be ready on Monday.....just in time.
Pgm booklet, amended umpteen times.....still in the ‘baking tray’
Invitation card will be ready on Monday.....just in time
Backdrops for B Gdns to be sent to printer on Wed.....OK lah
Backdrops for Esplanade to be send to printer on Fri.....OK
Draft Admin pgm sent and awaiting for approval.....:)
Budget has been approved.....:)
Tasking list.....working on it
Souvenir.....still in the “baking tray”
Display panels ready next week.....scary

Fortunately, the wedding is handled by a wedding planner………60% load off and the other 40% shared among family members and siblings.
I wish everything goes well. Amin….

In the mean time, no golfing (since last month) and no leave:):):)

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Hahaha finally…..its done. The sanding, shellac, polishing and set up all done after almost 4 months since August. Now I am listening to them with a cup of hot coffee. Some pics to share from the beginning till the final product.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Phooooooh, After more then 3 months, finally the Back Loaded Horn (BLH) are ready to be admired. It was a blessing ‘DO’ deployment this week that I had some time to work on the BLH.
Yesterday, one pc of the veneer was misaligned and need to be discarded. Same thing happened this morning. I almost gave up. An SOS was posted in diy forum and soon, advices came pouring in. It seems that I had no choice but to re sand the cabinet to remove the glue. Finally, at 5.30 pm (started doing it at 8 am) it was done. What a day.

Ok, will think of how to finish them later. Perhaps, just a 2 coats of shellac will do. As for now, I would just set them up for a listening test this weekend.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

At 7 o’clock this morning my home balcony was turned into a workshop. While everyone else was sleeping, I eagerly worked on the veneering of the back-loaded speaker which was long overdue. This was my second diy project and I started building it in late July. LOL…….so you know what I meant by overdue.

Anyway, I spent five hours sweating in a balcony that looked more like a war zone. At 12 noon one speaker was done. By then, everyone was up so it was time to close the workshop and turn it back into what it was in the first place…..a balcony.

So woodworking tools were traded with broom and vacuum cleaner and by1 pm, all were back to normal, spic and span and it was a Saturday morning well spent.

the enclosure with only the baffle veneered.

the enclosure with all side veneered.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yesterday was my first participation in NOISING. I brought my diy acrylic turntable (tt) and it created quite a buzz.
Unfortunately, the tt wasn’t performing well. Something was not right with the tt.
The experience diyers tried to trouble shoot but were not able to rectify it. Thus, my tt had to give way to other equipment.

Refusing to accept defeat, I spent the next hour figuring out what has gone wrong. Other diyers tried to assist in the trouble shoot. Finally at 5 pm (3 hours later), we managed to identify the problem……’the tracking force’.

Thus, a quick calibration was done and at 6 pm. Another shot was given to my tt.
Hey….. it works and sounded quite good. Too bad, I had to leave soon after.
Anyway it was a great weekend of sharing with hifi diyers.

fellow diyers

Thats my acrylic turntable

arranging the diy equipments.

another diy turntable

power amp with 2 light bulbs modeled on Nelson Pass's design

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dah dua minggu kita beraya. Tapi masih banyak rumah sedara dan member yang belum di kunjungi.
Zaman sekarang kita berkunjung hanya setahun sekali je. Jadi kalau nak kerumah semua sedara2 dan member, sebulan pun tak lih habis. Apa nak buat. Sedara ramai.
Walau camne pun, yang penting semua mesti happy.
Cuba tengok gambar2 ni. Dari malam raya sampai dua minggu raya. Semua muka ada senyum……hehehehe.

anyam ketupat nak sambut raya

malam raya

rumah da siap untuk beraya

di pagi raya

hari raya ke dua

hari raya ke tiga kat Johor

hari raya ke sepuluh

Hari raya yang ke tujuh belas