Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New member in the family

The house is still in a mess since last week due to the hacking and installing of a new kitchen cabinet. It was a simple job that goes beyond schedule. Even as I wrote this entry, the job is still on going. Thanks to the ‘boh chap’ attitude of the contractor. Every single job need to be supervised or else damage to other installation is imminent. It was so stressful and yet restless, for not being able to leave the house.

Anyway the stress has been broken with the unexpected early arrival of a new member in the family on Monday night. Marisa gave birth to a cute baby girl and I am now a grand daddy. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Ninth Month & Seventh Month

Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is a month of heightened devotion. Muslims all around the world will abstain from food and drink, through fasting, from dawn to sunset. In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to do special prayers, called Tarawih which are held in the mosques every night. In Singapore however, it is not uncommon to see congregation holding this special prayers at void deck as well.

Coincidently, this month being the seventh month of the Chinese calendar is also a month of prayer and festival. Temples and clan association will hold dinner and auction at open fields to raise fund for communal use. This dinner will usually followed by music performance called ‘Getai’

Although the ‘Getai’ may cause noise pollution in the neighborhood and the praying congregation at the void deck may deprive others of the common area, being a cosmopolitan society, the community at large has accepted and tolerated such racial/ religious practice of others. That’s the beauty of living in Singapore.

However, if both activities were held close to each other, it may require a higher level of tolerance. Imagine one party so engrossed performing their prayer and supplication while the other party was having a live concert.

I experienced it last night. A ‘Getai’ live performance was just a 100 meter away from my congregation. When we were about to say ‘Allahu Akbar” I heard the other side said “Jajambo”. Hehehehehe welcome to Singapore

I had a round of golf last Saturday at Daiman with buddies from TRACOM. It was fun to be with them again since my retirement. This will be our last game till the end of Ramadhan.