This week, the Covid-19 circuit breaker is being lifted in the so called Phase 1. After 2 months of absence, students start coming back to school this week with the upper primary pupils reporting first followed by home-based learning next week. The lower primary will report back to school tomorrow. There are lots of changes the way schools operate during this pandemic ie, staggered recess, dedicated routes to their classes, wearing mask at all time etc. Its a challenging period for both schools and parents as well. And many of the procedures taken will stay after this pandemic as the new norm.
My Bella is reaching its 'road life' (10 years) early next year. A decision has to be made soon on whether to retire it or extend its 'road life' with the renewal of Certificate of Entitlement. With its good look and good road handling, this is one of the best cars I'd ever owned.
At one of the Alfa meet early this year.