It’s the 45th Singapore National Day today and I have been involved in the parade for the past 33 years. I hope this is not my last.
I remembered the first time I participated was in 1977 and rehearsals were done at the yet to be opened ECP. Logistic support then was minimal. Rest area was under the hot sun and refreshment was just water and bread.
Today, participants are spoil with choices, KFC, western food, fresh soya bean milk, Old Chang Kee etc. Rest area was air conditioned. Who could have thought of it 33 years ago.

The kids are growing up. They are kids no more.
Tini was engaged last weekend and Didi is getting married end of the year. So, it’s gonna be busy this year for all the preparation.

I am fortunate to have siblings who are supportive and helpful especially my sis. For the past few weeks, she was busy helping wifey in the preparation for Tini’s engagement. She and wifey were creative to come up with the ‘hantaran’ decoration. Not bad for a novice. The preparation was at its peak few days before the weekend. Everyone chipped in, sister, in-laws, nephews, nieces etc.
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