Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2nd DIY TT

School holiday has just begun so the daily firefighting with pupils’ discipline and logistic support is over. Now is the time for estate and facilities management personal auditing in preparation for 2013. 

And it is also the time for some self-indulgence. Have been thinking of DIYing another turntable (TT)…perhaps something more challenging than the one I built 3 years ago.

My 1st DIY TT

A searched in the internet revealed many beautiful designs. One that attracted me is the one using magnetic levitation platter. Managed to get someone in Europe to fabricate this type of platter for me…well it may not be a levitating platter but a platter with bearing that rest on magnetic pillow. This guy is a professional TT builder producing an array of TT models for audiophiles. After many inquiries, questions and advice thru emails he agreed to fabricate one for me. It will be made of aluminum with acrylic insert.

While waiting for the platter to be fabricated and delivered, it is time to design the plinth. My first DIY TT was made entirely of acrylic. So this time round I am thinking of using metal with acrylic or wooden insert to complement the platter. I have few designs in mind and am looking for metal fabricator to have it cut based on my specification. Hope to find one locally.

Design based on the Clearaudio Innovation

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