Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Parts for DIY turntable

We were back in Singapore last Sunday. The short trip to Cambodia was a good choice and all of us enjoyed it. Now, it’s time to plan for next year trip. Hehehehe.

This morning collected my platter from the post office. It arrives from Lithuania yesterday when no one was at home. It was packed in a wooden box secured and wrapped up with polyurethane tape. Inside, it was lined with foam and all the items were shrink wrap.

The platter is heavy and was beautifully fabricated with acrylic insert between 2 layers of polished aluminium. The huge bearing assembly is of high quality. I may need to redesign the plinth to accommodate this heavy platter.

the package
after removing the tape, a wooden box is revealed
the internal is lined with foam
the platter and some other parts
parts of the bearing assembly
side view of the platter

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