Sunday, January 19, 2014

repaint & redesign (R & R)

As mentioned in my earlier posting....repaint & redecorate the dining room. Ok, the wall was given a new coat of paint ....kind of orange. The dining chairs were replaced with white ones and the side table was also replaced. Some decorative pieces were added on....of course white as well. So far its still work in progress.

For the living room aka audio room, the acoustic foam diffuser will soon be replaced with a better   diffuser. There are many types of diffuser available in the audiophile world...from a few dollars to a few thousands depending on the design and material used.

In theory, sound diffuser improves the acoustics of the room. Sound waves hitting a flat wall rebound off at the same angle, meaning that the sound is not evenly spread throughout the room. The uneven surface of a diffuser breaks up the sound waves hitting it and reflects them at various angles around the room, helping to diffuse the sound.

As I am a DIY person, I will be making my own diffuser. The design by Tim Perry from Argen Acoustic seems DIYable with drawings and measurement available from his website. So last week end, I bought some cut out wooden pieces from the local lumber yard enough for 5 units of Tim's stepped diffuser. And today, I managed to finish the first unit.

finished product by Argen Acoustic
planned drawing

cut out pieces to be glued

gluing the steps module

gluing the main body

putting all together

Adding the final and lowest steps

All done for sand papering

done and to be veneered

finished product with teak veneer (the 1st unit)

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Year 2014

School term has just begun and as usual another 3 months of busy work life. Good news is ..... most of the 'notty' kids have left.

Apart from all these pressures at work place, I need to have some time and some things to do for my pleasure.

1. Repaint & redecorate the dining room according to a theme.
2. Convert the living room to a semi acoustic room for music listening.

The above will take a month or two to complete....slowly but surely.

3. More time at the golf course.
4. More time with family and grand children and of course not forgetting those friends in need vice- versa.

For the new year resolution......less fatty food and more DIY.
OK I think that's too much for pleasure already.