Sunday, July 26, 2020

After coming back from Tokyo, we had a road trip to Tg Langsat - Johor on the week end. One of the few villages namely Kg Kopok was where my paternal grandmother lived with my dad when he was a kid. Majority of the villagers are family members, each with their own plot of rubber plantation. I remembered during my younger days staying there during school holidays or whenever relatives there were getting married. Uncles, aunties would invite us to bunk in their house. But usually we will stay in my grand father' s house. Now the villages are all gone and relocated at Kg Kopok Bahru nearer to Masai since more than 20 years ago.
The whole area of Tg Langsat was planned for an industrial area. But till date, after more than 20 years, large part of it is still an empty land with pockets of small villages by the coast.

Kg Perigi Aceh. One of the existing village in Tg Langsat

On the jetty facing Changi

undeveloped land after more than 20 years

Nothing better to do

coastal village

Chiba and Tokyo - 2015

Having a short break from work and travelling leisurely once in a while is refreshing for the mind, body and soul. As Singapore is warm and humid, I prefer to go places where the weather is cooler. For a short break, Japan and Hong Kong are my favourite. These places shared some similarity with Singapore - city milieu and ease of transportation and of course the availability of LP shops. In 2015, after visiting Hong Kong in early part of the year, we visited Japan sometime in December. This time round, we stayed in Chiba and Tokyo.
In front of Chiba Port Tower

wifey outside the Royal Palace in Tokyo

waiting for public bus in the hearts of Tokyo

LP hunting

a walk in the garden

some of the LPs hunted

gift for the special day

A gift from the kids for the special day early this month. Has not been playing the Alto Sax for more than 10 years. Will discipline myself to practice it at least once a week. lol