Monday, July 19, 2021

Today is 9 zulhijjah

Today, exactly 3 years ago we were at Arafah

Arriving from Shisa a distance not too far

With sweltering heat of 44 degrees

A half hour journey is all that we hope it to be

Arafah is a dry land with no building stand

Hills and rocks with plenty of sand

Millions will gather back to back front to end

Supplicating as much as they can

Half an hour indeed we reached

Arafah, gathering of the poor and rich

In the sweltering heat we hurriedly proceed

To the tentage where everyone meet

The tentage was huge and brightly lit

With carpet spread for all to rest, supplicate or just sit

With a/c full blast

Theres comfort at last

Half way through, we whispered

“The a/c is too strong can it be adjusted”

Nobody bothered

But Allah heard

Suddenly came the wind shaking the tent

Blowing dust with plenty of sand

So strong the wind that was sent

Putting fear to all women and men

Power was cut

Light off and a/c shut

Cold room turning hot

With no one to blame but the ingrates. 

Sunday, March 07, 2021

A new beginning.

Alhamdulillah. Catheter and bag removed last week and I am back to work. Everything happens with a reason and He knows best. 

Hopefully this episode strengthened my spiritual well being. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Who am I

Time passes very slowly, mind wondering, thinking, travelling back and forth asking what has become of this body. What has become of me. 

It has been 7 days, a very long 7 days since I was incapacitated due to urinary retention. With a catheter attached, every movement that i took is painful. Every steps need to be planned well or end up with more pain. Things that we always took for granted. 🥲

No body is greater than Allah. A little ‘nikmat’ taken away from us, we are done. 

These long 7 days are filled with many reflections on life. Its a wake up calls. Pray that I am given the ‘sabr’ to go through this episode and becoming a better Muslim, a better person that benefited everyone around. Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin

Friday, January 01, 2021

Welcoming 2021

 One year has passed with so many uncertainties and thats 2020. The whole world was grapling with the sudden appearance of the Covid19. 

It was sometimes in Dec 2019 when we heard the news about a new virus emerging in Wuhan China. But just within a few weeks, it spreads across the globe like wild fire affecting millions. 

Borders close and are still closed as I write this blog resulting in a tremedous effect to the tourism industries. Airlines go busted, Tour Agencies shuttered, Airports suddenly emptied and the list goes on. The world economy goes upside down and will continue for many more months. 

Reflection: We are not as strong as what we think. The corona virus which is million times smaller is more impactful.           Money is not everything. With borders closed, travelling and flying is impossible and consumers items getting harder to get.                                                                                     Status is nothing. Today we are a big boss earning high income and suddenly we are out of job - bussines closure due to the virus pandemic  

This is a reminder that no matter who or what we are we are actually nobody. Be humble and thankful to the Almighty we are still around despite all the challenges in 2020. 

When life knocks us down, get up and turn to Him. When life puts us in a higher position, kneel down and turn back to Him.  

With His blessings we will have better days in 2021.