Sunday, February 09, 2014

Finaly, a cup of hot hazel nut coffee

For the past 3 week ends I have been busy with my DIY projects cos one thing leads to another After the stepped diffusers were done, the old ones need to be removed.  Afterwards the wall need to be repainted before the new diffusers can be installed and the audio equipment to be disconnected and removed.......that's about 100kg of stuff.

After the wall was repainted the diffusers were installed and the audio equipment repositioned and reconnected. All these for the past 3 weeks with cleaning and vacuuming the room every time when work stops at 6.30pm. Yesterday was the finale, installing new curtain rods and new curtain all bought from Giant superstore...hahahahaha.

Finally, today I get to rest and enjoy the fruit of my labour. Woke up early this morning catching up with Brian Richmond on FM 90.5 with a cup of hot hazel nut coffee. And tonight, wifey will be back from the Philippines with the three princess.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

While they were away

After three weekends of DIYing the stepped diffuser were finally done and installed. Not only that, the music room was also given a new coat of paint. All these in the expense of my golfing. :(
Anw, the three weekends were made possible because wifey and the three princess were away in the Philippines. Thus have the house all by myself for the DIY ie, noisy, dusty and messy.

4 pcs done

room with foam acoustic panels

all foam panels removed and room repainted

5 panels of the stepped diffuser installed

finally all done