Monday, February 22, 2021

Who am I

Time passes very slowly, mind wondering, thinking, travelling back and forth asking what has become of this body. What has become of me. 

It has been 7 days, a very long 7 days since I was incapacitated due to urinary retention. With a catheter attached, every movement that i took is painful. Every steps need to be planned well or end up with more pain. Things that we always took for granted. 🥲

No body is greater than Allah. A little ‘nikmat’ taken away from us, we are done. 

These long 7 days are filled with many reflections on life. Its a wake up calls. Pray that I am given the ‘sabr’ to go through this episode and becoming a better Muslim, a better person that benefited everyone around. Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin