Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yesterday was my first participation in NOISING. I brought my diy acrylic turntable (tt) and it created quite a buzz.
Unfortunately, the tt wasn’t performing well. Something was not right with the tt.
The experience diyers tried to trouble shoot but were not able to rectify it. Thus, my tt had to give way to other equipment.

Refusing to accept defeat, I spent the next hour figuring out what has gone wrong. Other diyers tried to assist in the trouble shoot. Finally at 5 pm (3 hours later), we managed to identify the problem……’the tracking force’.

Thus, a quick calibration was done and at 6 pm. Another shot was given to my tt.
Hey….. it works and sounded quite good. Too bad, I had to leave soon after.
Anyway it was a great weekend of sharing with hifi diyers.

fellow diyers

Thats my acrylic turntable

arranging the diy equipments.

another diy turntable

power amp with 2 light bulbs modeled on Nelson Pass's design

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