Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Ok lah. Even at home we speak English, I mean Singlish more often than the Malay language. So today to promote the Malay language, I am penning a poetry in Malay. Its a bit patriotic. It goes like this

Anak muda
Bangun lah dari tidur mu
Buka mata
Lihat yang ada
Buka hati
Tanya lah diri

Siapa kita
Siapa mereka
Di mana kita
Di mana mereka
Kenapa berbedza
Sedangkan kita tetangga

Anak muda
Tidur mu pasti ada impian
Jangan segan
Jadikan lah ia kenyataan
Jangan bosan
Kerna kau akan kerugian

Kenapa berbedza
Sedangkan kita tetangga
Bukan salah mereka
Tapi kita yang leka



Anonymous said...

i think i know what this poem is about. let me try.
it is about the malay community.

Sazali said...

Yes. But what about?

Anonymous said...

What message are u trying to convey? You started off with our everyday language, our spoken language. If that's the point, obviously its different. We are living in a multi-racial society, multi languages but one nation. The issue is not in the differences of the languages per se cos it boils down to tolerance although the willingness to learn will be an added value. So what about the malay community? what difference are u talking about? Status??? We are closing the gap although statistically in terms of nos we are still lagging behind...anyway that's just my humble personal view...a bystander who happens to stumble upon this blog of yours....cheers......

Sazali said...

Hi, relax la. Its thru my personal observation and experience that many in the Malay community prefer to use English in their daily conversation so much so that their mastery of the Malay language is affected. Pls be assured, I am not against learning other languages.

If you watch local TV programme u would have notice not many can speak the language well during street interviews by the media. Its a sad thing. There are many factors contributing to the demise of a language. and the major culprit is one's refusal to use it for what ever reason. MHO.

I wrote poems not only to practice the language but also to convey certain messages to those concern.

Your comment about status and closing the gap tells me that you understood the message in my poem. Thus as a writer, I've succeeded.

Your phrase "we are closing the gap" seems to be in agreement that the Malay community is lagging behind but is closing the gap. I am glad you are aware of that and I also share your view that in terms of numbers we are still lagging behind.

So, are we going to sit and watch? Lets do something for the community starting from our own living room.

Hey, thanks for the comment and thanks for sharing your views. Do come back and share more of your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

That was fast! Anyway, pardon me for giving my two cents worth....but since you have welcomed me to come back for more thought-sharing (or thought-provoking views???? hehehe), thanks!

I'll be back..........

Anonymous said...

tsarlump bro tsarzali,

tsaryeah suecur barchar
tsarjug young murnahrake
young arewark carrung

arewark udder barcard

tsaryeah tarbake summer
curbohlayhunt twoone
burbarhahtsar hockyend

suetheelah lahwhattea
blog tsaryeah okay..

Sazali said...

Alamak ni lagi teruk. Camne nak baca ni. Ahli bahasa ke alih bahasa? Buat confusement je. Tapi creative jugak eh. Hai...apa da jadi.